Jeremiah 9:24

Let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 9:24)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

God is our Father

by Rich Deem
CharacteristicGodThe Father
To whom shall every knee bow?  Isaiah 45:22-23  Ephesians 3:14 
Who forgives sin?  2 Chronicles 7:14  Matthew 6:14, 15, Luke 23:34 
Who gives eternal life?  Proverbs 19:23  John 12:50 
Who gives power and authority to man?  Psalm 68:35  Luke 24:49, Acts 1:7, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 2:27 
Who gives rewards to man?  Isaiah 40:10  Matthew 6:1, 4, 6, John 12:26 
Who has all authority and power?  1 Chronicles 29:11  Matthew 11:25, Acts 1:7 
Who has glory?  Isaiah 40:5  Matthew 16:27, Mark 8:38, John 14:13, 15:8, 17:5, Romans 6:4, 15:6, Ephesians 1:17, Philippians 2:11, 4:20 
Who has the greatest name?  Nehemiah 9:5  John 12:28 
Who is called God?  1 Kings 8:60, Psalms 118:27  Psalms 89:26 
Who is eternal?  Genesis 21:33  Isaiah 63:16 
Who is Holy?  1 Samuel 2:2  Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2, John 17:11 
Who is in charge of the angels?  Psalms 103:20  Matthew 26:53 
Who is in Heaven?  Deuteronomy 4:39, 10:14  Matthew 5:16, 45, 48, 6:9, 14, 7:21 
Who is Jesus?  Jeremiah 23:5-6  John 14:7 
Who is omnipotent  Matthew 18:19, John 10:29, Ephesians 4:6 
Who is omniscient  1 John 3:20  1 Peter 1:2 
Who is one?  Deuteronomy 6:4  Matthew 23:9 
Who is our Father?  Isaiah 63:16  Psalms 89:26 
Who is our light?  Psalm 27:1  Colossians 1:12, James 1:17 
Who is our savior?  Isaiah 43:11, 45:21  Isaiah 63:16 
Who is perfect?  Deuteronomy 32:4  Matthew 5:48 
Who is Rock of salvation?  2 Samuel 22:32  Psalms 89:26 
Who is the creator?  Isaiah 44:24  Malachi 2:10 
Who is the Holy Spirit  Exodus 31:3, 35:31  Matthew 10:20 
Who lives in believers?  Deuteronomy 33:12  John 14:23 
Who resurrected Jesus?  Acts 4:10  Romans 6:4 
Who resurrects the dead?  Acts 26:8  John 5:21 
Who sanctifies us?  Exodus 31:13, Leviticus 20:8  Hebrews 2:11 
Who sent Jesus?  John 6:29, John 17:3  John 5:37, 8:18, 16:27, 28, 17:21, 25, 20:21 
Who sent the Holy Spirit?  Isaiah 48:16, 63:11, John 14:16  Luke 11:13, Acts 2:33 
Who will judge mankind?  Isaiah 3:13, 14  1 Peter 1:17 
Whom are we to worship?  Exodus 34:14  John 4:21, Ephesians 3:14 
Whose kingdom is in Heaven?  2 Timothy 4:1  Matthew 13:32, 25:34, Luke 11:2, 1 Corinthians 15:24 

The Bible says the Father is God
Deuteronomy 32:6  John 20:17  Galatians 1:3  Colossians 1:2  1 Timothy 1:2 
Psalms 89:26  Romans 1:7  Galatians 1:4  Colossians 1:3  2 Timothy 1:2 
Isaiah 63:16  Romans 15:6  Ephesians 1:3  Colossians 3:17  Titus 1:4 
Isaiah 64:8  1 Corinthians 1:3  Ephesians 1:17  1 Thesselonians 1:1  Philemon 1:3 
John 5:18  1 Corinthians 8:6  Ephesians 4:6  1 Thesselonians 1:3  James 1:27 
John 6:27  1 Corinthians 15:24  Ephesians 5:20  1 Thesselonians 3:11  1 Peter 1:2 
John 8:41  2 Corinthians 1:2  Ephesians 6:23  1 Thesselonians 3:13  1 Peter 1:3 
John 8:42  2 Corinthians 1:3  Philippians 1:2  2 Thesselonians 1:1  2 Peter 1:17 
John 8:54  2 Corinthians 11:31  Philippians 2:11  2 Thesselonians 1:2  2 John 1:3 
John 13:3  Galatians 1:1  Philippians 4:20  2 Thesselonians 2:16  Jude 1:1 
Revelation 1:6